No. 31
A cure for Giddiness
As much as will stand
as much as you are
know that we are
so very disappointed in you
No. 913
How to make Transparent Cement for Glass
Dissolve one part of India.
Rubber in Chloroform,
16 parts by measure.
Gum mastic in powder.
Digest for 2 days.
Shake the bottle frequently.
Apply With fine camel hair.
B. C. Edwards lives in Brooklyn. He is the recipient of the 2011 Hudson Prize put out by Black Lawrence Press, which will be publishing his collection of short fiction, The Aversive Clauses, in 2012 and his collection of poetry, From the Standard Cyclopedia of Recipes, in 2013. He is a regular contributor to BOMBlog, and his work can be found in Red Line Blues, The Sink Review, Mathematics Magazine, Hobart and others.