Nearly one month ago, Nepantla: A Journal Dedicated to Queer Poets of Color published its second issue. Produced in collaboration with the Lambda Literary Foundation, Nepantla’s second issue features work from twenty-three poets, as well as interviews with CeCe McDonald (interviewed by Alok Vaid-Menon) and Carl Phillips (interviewed by Rickey Laurentiis). You can download the second issue and learn more about the journal here!
Literary Journal
Kenyon Review Call for Submissions

Illustration from a 16th century manuscript, courtesy of the Public Domain Review
The Kenyon Review is looking for poetry, fiction, essays, and drama involving science, ecology, and the environment for a special issue to be published in Sept/Oct 2016. Surrounding this special issue, the Kenyon Review will host an online discussion of writers, editors, and scientists on the question of what makes science writing literary. Find out more on submitting your work here!