Director and friend of Augury Marah Strauch has recently directed Sunshine Superman, a narrative documentary in honor of founding BASE jumper Carl Boenish’s daring legacy and life. The film, produced by Scissor Kick Films, Flimmer Films, and Submarine Entertainment, will premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival this September. Though the film is in large part a documentary, Strauch and the rest of the crew strived to recreate the emotional energy of Boenish’s life in the present:
Carl Boenish was considered the most prominent inventor and the “Pied Piper” of [BASE jumping]. I was enthralled by the story of individuals who push themselves to transcend human limitations. Carl did not believe in man-made limitations. He believed BASE jumping was an expression of the human spirit. He was a visionary. […] He pushed his own physical limits to make films. He was transcending the physical, to find the spiritual. He was flying. Carl wanted to share the joy of BASE jumping with the world. […] We will be playing a lot with point of view. […] We are excited about using stills, archival footage and our own original footage to tell the story in a way that feels even more real than fiction, yet with same narrative thrust.
The Festival runs from September 4th through the 14th; most ticket packages are on sale now! For more about Sunshine Superman, go here; For more information on the Festival, head over to TIFF’s website.